Home Fashion Healthy Skin During Menopause: Tips for a Radiant Glow

Healthy Skin During Menopause: Tips for a Radiant Glow

Healthy Skin During Menopause: Tips for a Radiant Glow

Navigating the menopause phase requires a keen understanding of the many changes it brings, particularly regarding the skin. It signifies a profound shift in a woman’s life, affecting various facets of well-being, notably the health of the skin. The decline in estrogen levels during menopause sets off a sequence of transformations that significantly impact skin health.

The Impact of Menopause on Skin:

Estrogen, a hormone crucial for collagen production, experiences a decline during menopause. This decrease directly affects the skin in several ways:

Decreased Collagen Production:Collagen, an essential element for skin firmness and elasticity, diminishes due to reduced estrogen levels. This drop often leads to a loss of skin firmness, resulting in reduced elasticity and a heightened appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly around the eyes and mouth.


Thinner and Sagging Skin: Lower estrogen levels contribute to lighter, less resilient skin that is more susceptible to sagging, influencing the skin’s overall appearance.

Pigmentary Changes: Menopause can spur the emergence of pigmentary spots like age spots and uneven skin tone. These changes often arise from hormonal fluctuations during this phase.

Skin Dryness: A decrease in the skin’s natural oil production leads to dryness and increased susceptibility to flakiness, causing discomfort.

Skincare Tips for Menopause:

Sun Protection: Maintaining consistent use of sunscreen is paramount in shielding the skin from premature aging. Seek out moisturising antioxidant sunscreens like SAFESCREEN® Munnar Sunscreen SPF 40+  that provide reliable protection against harmful UV rays. Additionally, applying a hydrating, non-occlusive moisturiser before sunscreen can help lock in moisture and create a protective barrier for the skin.

Collagen Supplements and Diet: Post-menopause, the concern about collagen depletion becomes prominent for skin structure. It’s advised to include collagen-rich foods in the diet and consider collagen supplementation. Studies have shown the effectiveness of collagen supplements in preventing breakdown by a substantial percentage and improving skin hydration within a relatively short timeframe. For optimal results, he recommends using research-backed, mercury-free marine collagen powders like TOR™ Marine collagen supplements.

Collagen Boosters: For those preferring vegan-friendly alternatives, consider products infused with plant-based antioxidants. WAH-TOR™ vegan collagen builder, which contains three potent plant antioxidants, works in synergy with collagen supplements, supporting the production of new collagen and thereby enhancing skin moisture and elasticity.

Post-menopause, the concern about collagen depletion becomes prominent for skin structure. It’s advised to include collagen-rich foods in the diet and consider collagen supplementation. Studies have shown the effectiveness of collagen supplements in preventing breakdown by a substantial percentage and improving skin hydration within a relatively short timeframe. For optimal results, he recommends using research-backed, mercury-free marine collagen powders like TOR™ Marine collagen supplements.

Recognising the necessity for a holistic approach during menopause is crucial. Adapting skincare routines to accommodate these changes can significantly impact skin health during this transitional period. A blend of internal and external care is essential for maintaining radiant and healthy skin during menopause.

In summary, adapting skincare habits to align with the changes during menopause is pivotal. This adjustment plays a fundamental role in upholding healthy, vibrant skin and confidently embracing this new phase of life.